Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Library Management System - State Diagram

UML State diagram for Library Management System is shown below.

Here we have described different states of following Objects:
Librarian, Books, User

State Diagram For Librarian Object:

State Diagram For Books Object:

State Diagram For User Object:

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Hotel Management System - State Diagram

UML State diagram for Hotel Management System is shown below.

Here we have described different states of following Objects:
Customer, Room, Manager

State Diagram For Customer Object:

State Diagram For Room Object:

State Diagram For Manager Object:

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Hospital Management System - State Diagram

UML State diagram for Hospital Management System is shown below.

Here we have described different states of following Objects:
Doctor, Patient, Ward, and Diagnosis

State Diagram for Doctor Object:

 State Diagram For Patient Object:

State Diagram For Diagnosis Object:

State Diagram For Ward Object: 

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Online Movie Ticket Booking - Sequence Diagram

UML Sequence diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking System is shown below.

The instance of class objects involved in this UML Sequence Diagram are as follows:-
Admin, Registered User, Visitor, Movie, Book Ticket, Make Payment

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Online Movie Ticket Booking - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Admin, Registered User, Visitor, Movie, BookTicket, MakePayment

The Class Diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking System is shown below:

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Content Management System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Content Management System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: User, Web Server, Application, Database

The Class Diagram for Content Management System is shown below:


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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Content Management System - UseCase Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Content Management System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- User, WebServer, Application, Database

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-

  • User: Make Request, Provide Language And Category, Request For Content

  • WebServer: Receive And Process Request, Receive Data From Application And Process it, Show Page, Make Request For Content With Application.

  • Application: Retrieve Data From Database, Process Retrieved Data, Convert Data Into Desired Form, Make Request For Content With Database, Return Content To Webserver

  • Data Base:  Return Data, Return Content.
 The Use Case UML diagram for Content Management System is shown below:-

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Friday, November 30, 2012

School Management System - Sequence Diagram

UML Sequence diagram for School Management System is shown below.

The instance of class objects involved in this UML Sequence Diagram are as follows:-
Admin, Teacher, Test Paper. Student, Class, Subject, Division

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

School Management System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for School Management System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Admin, Students, Teachers, Class, Subjects, Divisions, TestPaper

The Class Diagram for School Management System is shown below:

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

School Management System - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for School Management System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Admin, Teacher, Students

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-

  • Admin: Login, Logout, Add Teachers, Add Students, Add Class, Add Divisions, Add Subjects, Modify/Delete Teachers, Modify/Delete Students, Modify/Delete Class, Modify/Delete Divisions, Modify/Delete Subjects

  • Teacher: Mark Attendance, Prepare Test Paper, Check Papers, Prepare Report Cards, Declare Result

  • Student: Fill Admission Form, Get Enrolled, Write Exams
 The Use Case UML diagram for School Management System is shown below:-

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Online Examination - Sequence Diagram

UML Sequence diagram for Online Examination System is shown below.

The instance of class objects involved in this UML Sequence Diagram are as follows:-
Admin, Examiner, Test, Test Paper. Student, Response, Result

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Library Management System - Sequence Diagram

UML Sequence diagram for Library Management System is shown below.

The instance of class objects involved in this UML Sequence Diagram are as follows:-
Librarian, Books, Publisher, User

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Hotel Management System - Sequence Diagram

UML Sequence diagram for Hotel Management System is shown below.

The instance of class objects involved in this UML Sequence Diagram are as follows:-
Manager, Stock, Receptionist, Customer, Chef, Room Attendant, Rooms, Bill, Food Items.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hospital Management - Sequence Diagram

UML Sequence diagram for Hospital Management System is shown below.

The instance of class objects involved in this UML Sequence Diagram are as follows:-
Doctor, Patient, Receptionist, Room, Bills, Person, Department.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Face Recognition System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Face Recognition System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Trainer, User

The Class Diagram for Face Recognition System is shown below:

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Employee Attendance System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Employee Attendance System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Owner, Employee

The Class Diagram for Employee Attendance System is shown below:

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Inventory Management System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Inventory Management System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Owner, Supplier, Product, Manager, Order Details

The Class Diagram for Inventory Management System is shown below:

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Friday, November 16, 2012

Courier Management System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Courier Management System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Owner, Franchise Holder, Client, Employees

The Class Diagram for Courier Management System is shown below:

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Online Shopping System -Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Online Shopping System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Admin, Products, Guest, Customer, Cart, Payment.

The Class Diagram for Online Shopping System is shown below:

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Airport Security And CheckIn Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Airport Security And CheckIn System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Airport, Security Persons, Traveller, Boarding Pass Counter

The Class Diagram for Airport Security And CheckIn System is shown below:

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Retail Banking System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Retail Banking System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Employee, Customer, Bank, Loan, Account

The Class Diagram for Retail Banking System is shown below:

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Medical Clinic System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Medical Clinic System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Doctor, Patient, Receptionist, Medicine, Staff

The Class Diagram for Medical Clinic System is shown below:

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bus Reservation System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Bus Reservation System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Common Functions, Customer, Agent, Booking Counter, Refund, Ticket

The Class Diagram for Bus Reservation System is shown below:

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Train Reservation System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Train Reservation System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Common Functions, Customer, Agent, Booking Counter, Refund, Ticket

The Class Diagram for Train Reservation System is shown below:

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Airline Ticket Reservation - Class Diagram

UML Class Diagram for Airline Ticket Reservation System is shown below. The various classes involved in the system are: -

Classes:- Common Functions, Customer, Agent, Booking Counter, Refund, Ticket

The Class Diagram for Airline Ticket Reservation System is shown below:-

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Online Examination System - Class Diagram

UML Class Diagram for Online Examination System is shown below. The various classes involved in the system are: -

Classes:- Examiner, Student, Test, Test Paper, Admin, Response, Results

The Class Diagram for Online Examination System is shown below:-

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Hotel Management System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Hotel Management System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Receptionist, Rooms, Customer, Bill, Food Items, Stock, Chef, Manager

The Class Diagram for Hotel Management System is shown below:

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Hospital Management System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Hospital Management System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Classes: Doctor, Patient, Receptionist, Person, Staff, Nurse, Room, Department, Bill

The Class Diagram for Hospital Management System is shown below:

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

ATM Machine - Class Diagram Example

UML Class diagram for ATM Machine is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Class: Bank, Account, Customer, Debit Card, Current Account, Saving Account, ATM Info, ATM Transaction, Withdraw Transaction, Change Pin, Transfer Money, Check Balance.

Here, in this system there could be two types of Account: Current Account and Saving Account. Both use to share many of the properties and methods. So, we defined a new class that is Account and from it both Current and Saving Account class inherits properties and methods. Here, Account is basically an abstract class as any account need to be current or saving.

Again, at ATM Machine one can perform multiple tasks like Withdrawing cash, change pin , check balance and Transfer Money. We created a generalized class that is, ATM Transaction and from it all the other four types of classes get specialized. All of them share multiple properties and methods. They are kept in super class and further have their own methods and properties to define. Here, ATM Transaction is also an Abstract Class.

The Class diagram for ATM Machine is shown below:-

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Library Management System - Class Diagram

UML Class diagram for Library Management System is shown below. The various Classes involved in the system are:

Class: Books, Librarian, User, Publisher, Reference Book, General Book, Book Bank, Student, Faculty.

Here, in this system there could be two types of users: Student and Faculty. Both use to share many of the properties and methods. So, we defined a new class that is user and from it both student and faculty class inherits properties and methods. Hence, User is basically an abstract class whose object directly can't be created.

Similarly, Reference Book, General Book and Book Bank all three classes share many of its attributes so, we generalized all the three classes with super class Books and from it all the other three classes inherits methods and properties. Unlike User class, Books class is not an abstract class. We can create as well as instantiate its objects directly.

The Class diagram for Library Management System is shown below:-

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Travel Agency - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Travel Agency is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Customer, Agent

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Customer: Make Enquiry, Plan Trip, Select a Trip And Finalize It, Make Payment,Cancel Trip, Receive Ticket, Get Refund

  • Agent: Provide Enquiry Details, Give Different Trip Details, Receive Payment, Cancel Tickets, Book Ticket, Give Discount If Any, Refund Money

The Use Case UML diagram for Travel Agency is shown below:-

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Internet Banking System - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Internet Banking System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- User, Admin

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • User: Login, Request To Open Acc., Fill Form To Open Acc., Request To Close Acc., Fill Form To Close Acc., Request For Loan, Fill Form To Get Loan, Pay EMI, Transfer Money To Different Acc., Balance Enquiry, View FD Summary, Open New FD, Do Bill Payments, Open New D-Mat Acc., Request For Account Summary, Request For New Cheque Book

  • Admin: Process Request To Open New Acc., Process Request To Close Acc. Process Request For Loan, Sanction Loan, Verify Each Form Details
The Use Case UML diagram for Internet Banking System is shown below:-

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Medical Insurance System - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Medical Insurance System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Owner, Agents, Claimer

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Owner: Hire Agent, Fire Agent, Pay Salary, Make Policies

  • Agents: Make New Clients, Describe Policy To Clients, Collect Policy Checks, Check Details when policy is claimed by Claimer, Check Medical Claim Papers

  • Claimer: Fill form To Take Policy, Pay Policy Checks, Claim Policy, Receive Money Of Policy
Here we have some dependencies also like Hire Agent <<include>>Pay Salary and <<extend>> Fire Agent as agents may be fired or may be not but it is necessary that hired agents are paid their salary.

Then, Make New Clients <<include>> Describe Policy as while making new clients it is necessary that you  describe policy to them very well to get them convinced. Again, once policy forms are filled so, it is necessary to pay policy checks on time so, Fill policy form <<include>> Pay Policy Checks. 

Also Claim Policy <<include>> Receive Money as once policy is claimed and all papers are cross checked then, money has to be given to claimer.

The Use Case UML diagram for Medical Insurance System is shown below:-

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Online Recruitment System - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Online Recruitment System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Admin, Job Seeker

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Admin: Download CV's from Job Portals, Do Screening of CV's, Shortlist CV's, Make calls to Shortlisted CV candidates, Schedule Interview, Get Feedback

  • Job Seeker: Upload CV on Job Portals, Update CV, Appear For Interview, Give Feedback
Here we have some dependencies also like Download CV's from Job Portals <<include>> Do Screening of CV's and Shortlist CV's as after dowloading one has to do screening and shortlisting of candidates to make calls for interview.

The Use Case UML diagram for Online Recruitment System is shown below:-

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Online Movie Ticket Booking System-Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Registered User, Visitor, Admin

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Registered User: Choose Movie, Select Time And Venue, Select Seat, Select Ticket Type,Child, Adult, Make Payment By Credit/Debit Card, Confirm Transaction, Cancel Ticket, Get Refund

  • Visitor : Get Registered, Check Movie Data

  • Admin : Login, Insert Movie Records, Update Movie Records, Delete Movie Records
Here we have some dependencies also like Registered User Login <<include>> Choose Movie, Select Time And Venue, Select Seat, Select Ticket Type, Make Payment By Credit/Debit Card. If a user gets login to book ticket then he has to perform all these operations in order to get ticket booked. Further, Make Payment by Debit/Credit Card <<include>> Confirm Transaction as after making payment it is necessary to confirm that transaction is completed.

Again, Login <<extend>> Cancel Ticket as user may or may not want to cancel booked ticket. Cancel Ticket <<includes>> Get Refund as if the tickets are cancelled then, refund has to be made.

Login of Admin <<includes>> Add Movie Records and <<extend>> Update movie Records and Delete Movie Records.

The Use Case UML diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking System is shown below:-

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Online Job Portal-Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Online Job Portal System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Admin, Visitors, Registered Job Seekers, Employers

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Admin: Approve New Companies, Maintain Website, Approve New Vacancies, Track Job Seekers, Delete Companies

  • Visitors: Search For Vacancies, Get Registered

  • Registered Job Seekers: Login, Uplaod CV, Update CV, Modify Settings, View Vacancies, Apply For Job, Change Password

  • Employers: Get Registered, Login, Add new Vacancies, Delete Vacancies, Update Details, Send Notification to Job Seekers According to their interest Area, Download CV, Change Password
Here we have some dependencies also like Login of Registered Job Seekers <<include>> View Vacancies. This is so because as the job seeker gets logged in by default some of the vacancies matching his profile are displayed. Then, view vacancies <<extend>> Apply for job as he may or may not apply for job.

Again Login <<extend>> Upload CV, Modify Settings and Change Password as user may or may not do any of these task after getting logged in.

Now Employers Login <<extend>> Change Password, Delete Vacancies, Add New Vacancies, Download CV, Update Details, Send Notification to Job Seekers. This is so because this is not certain what employer would like to do after getting logged in. Any of these tasks he may or may not do.

The Use Case UML diagram for Online Job Portal System is shown below:-

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Train Reservation System - Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram for Train Reservation System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:

Actors: Traveller, Travel Agent, Station Counter Incharge

The corresponding usecases  for these actors are:
  • Traveller: Book Ticket Online, Cancel Booking Online, Book via Agent, Cancel Ticket via Agent, Book At Counter, Cancel Ticket At Counter, Online Inquiry, Fill Details, Cancel Ticket, Book Ticket, Make Payment, Update Database, Receive Money On Cancellation

  • Travel Agent: Book via Agent, Cancel Ticket via Agent, Online Inquiry, Fill Details, Book Ticket, Make Payment, Cancel Ticket, Update Database, Receive Money On Cancellation

  • Station Counter Incharge: Book At Counter, Cancel Ticket At Counter, Online Inquiry, Fill Details, Book Ticket, Make Payment, Cancel Ticket, Update Database, Receive Money On Cancellation
Here we have some dependencies like Book Ticket Online, Book Via Agent and Book at Counter all three have <<include>> relationship with Online inquiry and Fill Details. In all these cases one needs to do online inquiry and then filling details. Fill Details further has a dependency <<include>> with Book ticket that again depends on Make Payment. Until and unless payment is made ticket can't be booked.

Again, Cancel Booking Online, Cancel Ticket at Counter and Cancel via Agent all three has a <<include>> dependency with Cancel Ticket and which further <<includes>> Receive Money On Cancellation, and updating database. Make Payment also <<includes>> updating database.

The Usecase UML Diagram for Train Reservation System is shown below:

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Bus Reservation System - Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram for Bus Reservation System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:

Actors: Traveller, Travel Agent, BusStop Counter Incharge

The corresponding usecases  for these actors are:
  • Traveller: Book Ticket Online, Cancel Booking Online, Book via Agent, Cancel Ticket via Agent, Book At Counter, Cancel Ticket At Counter, Online Inquiry, Fill Details, Cancel Ticket, Book Ticket, Make Payment, Update Database, Receive Money On Cancellation

  • Travel Agent: Book via Agent, Cancel Ticket via Agent, Online Inquiry, Fill Details, Book Ticket, Make Payment, Cancel Ticket, Update Database, Receive Money On Cancellation

  • BusStop Counter Incharge: Book At Counter, Cancel Ticket At Counter, Online Inquiry, Fill Details, Book Ticket, Make Payment, Cancel Ticket, Update Database, Receive Money On Cancellation
Here we have some dependencies like Book Ticket Online, Book Via Agent and Book at Counter all three have <<include>> relationship with Online inquiry and Fill Details. In all these cases one needs to do online inquiry and then filling details. Fill Details further has a dependency <<include>> with Book ticket that again depends on Make Payment. Until and unless payment is made ticket can't be booked.

Again, Cancel Booking Online, Cancel Ticket at Counter and Cancel via Agent all three has a <<include>> dependency with Cancel Ticket and which further <<includes>> Receive Money On Cancellation, and updating database. Make Payment also <<includes>> updating database.

The Usecase UML Diagram for Bus Reservation System is shown below:

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Canteen Management System - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Canteen Management System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Owner, Employee, Student

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Owner: Hire Employees, Pay Salary, Fire Employees, Order and Fill The Stock, Keep Track of stock, Maintain Sales record, Prepare Menu Card, Prepare Rate List, Generate Bill Against Each Sale
  • Employee: Follow Order, Report to owner (For Stock, For Sale), Take Order, Collect Bill Amount
  • Student: Place Order, Pay Bills, Cancel Order
Here we have some dependencies also like Hire Employees <<includes>> Pay Salary. If one has hired employees then, he has to pay salary. Similarly, Keep Track Of Stock <<includes>> Order And Fill The Stock, Prepare Menu Card <<includes>> Prepare Rate List. Report To Owner <<includes>> For Stock and For Sale as employee has to report the owner regarding every sale as well as what is remaining in the stock and what is not. The, Place Order <<includes>> Pay Bills.

Again there is one <<extend>> dependency also that is, Place order <<extend>> Cancel Order as order could be cancelled also.

The Use Case UML diagram for Canteen Management System is shown below:-

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Bank Loan System - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Bank Loan System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Borrower, Employee

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Borrower: Request For Loan, Provide Account No.,  Pay EMI, Provide Security Papers

  • Employee: Process Loan Request, Provide Details, Collect EMI's, Check Details and security papers, Deny Request, Give Loan
Here we have a dependency. Give Loan <<includes>> Collect EMI's. Is a loan is given then, its EMI has to be paid. But if the loan is given then only EMI is paid.

The Use Case UML diagram for Bank Loan System is shown below:-

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Blood Bank Management - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Blood Bank Management System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Owner, Employee, Borrower

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Owner: Hire Employees, Fire Employees, Pay Salary, Maintain Records Of Blood Group

  • Employee: Keep Records Of Blood Groups Available, Order For Blood Groups Finished, Report To Owner, Collect Bill

  • Borrower: Request For Blood, Pay Bill, Donate Blood
Here we have some dependencies also like Hire Employees <<includes>> Pay Salary as if the employees are hired they need to be paid. Also Hire Employees <<extend>> Fire Employees as may be employees hired can be fired.

The Use Case UML diagram for Blood Bank Management System is shown below:-

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Admission System - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Admission System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Student, Enrollment Office, Fee Office

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Student: Request For Admission Form, Fill The Form&Submit, Give Entrance, Pay Fees, Check Entrance Exam Result

  • Enrollment Office: Distribute Form, Provide School Catalog, Provide Details, Enroll Students

  • Fee Office: Distribute Fee Card, Collect Fees, Make Entry In Fee Card, Make Entry in Database
Here we have some dependencies also like Give Entrance <<includes>> Check Entrance Exam Result  and further it <<extend>> Pay Fees. Again, Collect Fees <<includes>> Make Entry in Fee Card and Make Entry in Database.

The Use Case UML diagram for Admission System is shown below:-

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Employee Attendance System - Use Case Diagram

UML Use Case diagram for Employee Attendance System is shown below. The various participants of the same are detailed below:-

Actors:- Employee, Manager, Owner

The corresponding use cases for these actors are:-
  • Employee: Mark Attendance, In-Time, Out-Time, Apply For Leave, Get Salary

  • Manager: Keep Track Of Attendance, Calculate Salary, Report To Owner

  • Owner: Pay Salary
Here we have some dependencies also like Mark Attendance <<includes>> In-Time and Out-Time as while marking attendance one has to mention in-time as well as out-time.

The Use Case UML diagram for Employee Attendance System is shown below:-

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